We did it, letYourMoneyGrow is online!

Hurrah! we have completely rebuilt letYourMoneyGrow.com and starting it from scratch. At first as a high-quality investment and financial blog. Then are going to add a powerful and easy-to-use toolset for portfolio analytics and optimisation. Stay with us!

Though it is just a coincidence, but the start date is 1st of September, which is known as Knowledge Day. An important part of our mission is to provide the retail investors with knowledge (rather than hope for easy and quick money). All you need is willingness to learn! Some numeracy is also advantageous, however, if you are not particularly good in math, don't worry. We will prepare a mini-crash course for you and the rest will be done by our portfolio toolset.

Like this post and wanna learn more? Have a look at Knowledge rather than Hope: A Book for Retail Investors and Mathematical Finance Students

FinViz - an advanced stock screener (both for technical and fundamental traders)