Code to generate the last chart using data from AlphaVantage
avUrl = paste0("<yourAPIkey>")
dat <- fromJSON(avUrl)
nms = names(dat$"Time Series (Daily)")
N = length(nms)
dates = as.POSIXlt(nms)
OHLCV = array(0.0, dim=c(N,8))
for(n in 1:N)
OHLCV[n, 1] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"1. open")
OHLCV[n, 2] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"2. high")
OHLCV[n, 3] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"3. low")
OHLCV[n, 4] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"4. close")
OHLCV[n, 6] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"5. adjusted close")
OHLCV[n, 5] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"6. volume")
OHLCV[n, 7] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"7. dividend amount")
OHLCV[n, 8] = as.double((dat$"Time Series (Daily)")[[n]]$"8. split coefficient")
curStock = as.quantmod.OHLC(zoo(OHLCV[, 1:6],, col.names = c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "Adjusted"))