Reply To: GoPro (US38268T1034) looks attractive – 2016.12.17

Home Forums Stocks American Stocks GoPro (US38268T1034) looks attractive – 2016.12.17 Reply To: GoPro (US38268T1034) looks attractive – 2016.12.17

Vasily Nekrasov

Ride on turbulence.
After Goldman downgraded GoPro I thought that it was a good opportunity to buy. And started buying in small tranches.
Finally made infinitesimal Profit, now waiting for a opportunity to re-enter.
Date Stocks Price Trade P&L
16.03.2017 19:16 79 7,765 sell 8,08%
16.03.2017 09:18 79 7,467 sell 3,94%
14.03.2017 16:03 150 6,801 sell -5,33%
14.03.2017 14:54 155 6,786 buy N/A
13.03.2017 14:36 77 7,467 buy N/A
06.03.2017 16:43 77 7,703 buy N/A