Numeracy for Traders – Lesson 3 – Ode to Deferred Withholding Tax

Many investment funds and financial services that want your money argue with a deferred capital yield tax. For instance, in Germany if you trade by yourself, you immediately pay the capital returns tax [Kapitalertragsteuer]  (unless the net result of your previous trades is negative). But if you invest in a fund, you don't pay the tax on returns until you sell your share (you still pay a tax on dividends).
We show that though, in general, an investor profits from tax deferral, one should not exaggerate its effect. Moreover, due to annual tax-exempt amounts [Jahresfreibetrag], an immediate taxation can be better than a deferred one. 

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DeGiro – [aktuell] der Beste Broker

DeGiro hat unschlagbar niedrige Gebühren, insb. wenn man mit kleinen Beiträgen handelt. Darüber hinaus gibt es über 200 ETFs, welche man ganz ohne Kosten (allerdings nicht unbegrenzt häufig) handeln kann. Dazu kann man unkompliziert short gehen und mit den Optionen direkt auf EUREX handeln. Last but not least geht die Ameldung sehr schnell und ohne Post- bzw. PhotoIdent und die Konto-Statistik wird in echter Zeit erstellt.
Die Nachteile von DeGiro sind aktuell wie folgt: zusätzliche steuerliche Belastung der Dividende durch die Quellensteuer, kein Zugriff auf außerbörslichen Direkthandel und Börse Stuttgart, sowie limitierte Einlagensicherung.
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Einstein’s rating agency: easy and clear for everyone

Recently we revied the performance of Einstein, a German trader who managed (without a leverage) to make almost 2000% in less than three years. translates his investment grades in layman's terms:

  1. Tenbagger - the stock will grow ten times within 3 years.
  2. Doubler - the stock will grow twice with a year
  3. Outperformer - the stock will be better than peer group by factor 2
  4. Money - one may but not necessarily need to buy the stock
  5. No-hoper - one will neither lose nor earn money with this stock
  6. Pinocchio - the board does not get along with the truth
  7. Brief - one may but not necessarily need to sell the stock short
  8. Short - one can earn money if sells this stock short
  9. Snot - avoid buying this stock, do sell it short!
  10. Snot to the power of 10 - target zero, total loss, blacklist and megashort!