Screening DeGiro free ETFs – 5 months later

On 3rd September 2017 we published a gallery of 21 ETFs and ETCs, which can/could* be traded (one a month) free of charge by our broker DeGiro. We always encourage you not to forget the past, so we publish current charts of these ETFs and you can see how things went on. Continue reading "Screening DeGiro free ETFs – 5 months later"

JuniorDepot I – Eröffnung bei DeGiro – Basic oder Custody?

Finanzieller Analphabetismus in Deutschland ist – unserer Erfahrung nach - wirklich schrecklich. Leute wollen keine Steuererstattung beantragen (lassen), lehnen jegliche Alternativen zur Hausbank ab und zahlen (zu) hohen Zinsen, und so weiter und so fort. Heute aber berichten wir um einen erfreulichem Fall: einer von unseren Stammleser will für seine siebenjährige Tochter das Depot eröffnen und €100/mo. investieren, so dass die Mädle sich zur Volljährigkeit ein Auto leisten kann.
Da es ein wirklich vorbildliches Vorhaben ist, werden wir dieses Projekt während der nächsten 11 Jahre ausführlich erläutern. Wir fangen mit der Brokerwahl und die organisatorischen Nuancen an.
Continue reading "JuniorDepot I – Eröffnung bei DeGiro – Basic oder Custody?"

Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part II – 2940 stocks – [D-F]

Volatility clustering plots for stocks with tickers from D to F. Continue reading "Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part II – 2940 stocks – [D-F]"

Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part II – 2940 stocks – [A-C]

Volatility clustering plots for stocks with tickers from A to C.
Continue reading "Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part II – 2940 stocks – [A-C]"

Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part II – 2940 stocks – [0-9]

We continue publishing the visualized results from Vasily Nekrasov's research. Reportedly, when Warren Buffett happens to hear complains that there are thousands of stocks to scrutinize, he says "well, start with letter A". We go even further and start with digit 0, since there are (were) suchlike tickers by Continue reading "Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part II – 2940 stocks – [0-9]"

Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part I – Indices

This is a well-known fact that the stock prices are virtually unpredictable. However, stock volatilities can more or less be forecasted! In 2012 Vasily Nekrasov scrutinized about 3000 asset price time series, obtained from Approximately in half of cases the volatility was piecewise-stationary and thus predicatable. We put online the technical record from 2012 and start publishing the visualized results Continue reading "Volatility Clustering and Piecewise Homoscedasticity – Part I – Indices"

Should I use a Trading Simulator to learn how to trade?

Have you ever thought of being a trader?
I mean trading things like stocks, currencies, options or anything else that you can buy and sell almost instantly - typically online - by pressing a button and not illiquid assets, such as houses or antique furniture.
Wouldn’t it be great to get some sense of what real world trading looks like before setting up an account with an online brokerage firm and putting your own money on risk?
Continue reading "Should I use a Trading Simulator to learn how to trade?"

Oh This Cranky Sentiment: General Electric vs. Daimler on 20.10.2017

Virtually every trader and investor is aware about technical and fundamental analysis. But little understand the importance of sentiment. We consider a case study of GE vs DAI, which particularly good illustrates the importance and interaction of these three components. Continue reading "Oh This Cranky Sentiment: General Electric vs. Daimler on 20.10.2017"