JuniorDepot6 – Buying German Mid-Cap ETF and Getting Breakeven

Elle, a 7-year old girl who manages her savings plan with letYourMoneyGrow.com,  became more careful after her stockpicking flop with GoPro and readily agrees to invest in an index ETF so far. We explain why we bought an ETF on mDAX this time and review our quarterly performance.  Continue reading "JuniorDepot6 – Buying German Mid-Cap ETF and Getting Breakeven"

JuniorDepot4 – Becoming Pro with GoPro

Elle, a 7-year old girl, made her hands dirty in stock picking. This time she decided to buy GoPro stock. I was about to make use of my veto right but finally found her decision not bad at all.
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JuniorDepot3a – explaining correlation and diversification to a 7 year old girl

Market fall and so does Elle's portfolio. However, we still perform better than market due to diversification. So we use the opportunity to explain a 7-year old girl the idea of correlation. Continue reading "JuniorDepot3a – explaining correlation and diversification to a 7 year old girl"

JuniorDepot 3 – Buying DAX Dividend-Cows

Elle, a 7 years old girl learning to manage her wealth on her own, made her second investment. We used recent market correction to buy an ETF on DivDAX, which consists of the 15 DAX stocks with the highest dividend yield (and mostly low p/e). Continue reading "JuniorDepot 3 – Buying DAX Dividend-Cows"

JuniorDepot 2 – Elle makes her first Investment in Silver

As we have recently reported, one of our readers has set up a savings plan (€100/mo.) for his 7 years old daughter Elle. We loved the idea and suggested him to let the girl decide herself,
which stocks and ETFs to buy; letYourMoneyGrow.com team assists in risk management and portfolio optimization. Our ambitious goal is to grow a new (female) Warren Buffett. Meanwhile, Elle made her first investment decision!
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JuniorDepot I – Eröffnung bei DeGiro – Basic oder Custody?

Finanzieller Analphabetismus in Deutschland ist – unserer Erfahrung nach - wirklich schrecklich. Leute wollen keine Steuererstattung beantragen (lassen), lehnen jegliche Alternativen zur Hausbank ab und zahlen (zu) hohen Zinsen, und so weiter und so fort. Heute aber berichten wir um einen erfreulichem Fall: einer von unseren Stammleser will für seine siebenjährige Tochter das Depot eröffnen und €100/mo. investieren, so dass die Mädle sich zur Volljährigkeit ein Auto leisten kann.
Da es ein wirklich vorbildliches Vorhaben ist, werden wir dieses Projekt während der nächsten 11 Jahre ausführlich erläutern. Wir fangen mit der Brokerwahl und die organisatorischen Nuancen an.
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