A First Course in Quantitative Finance by Thomas Mazzoni was published a year ago. It provides a thorough analysis of such topics as Local Volatility, derivative pricing via PDEs (and solution of theses PDEs) as well as a good insight of Levy processes. Although it might be too big and too general for the 1st course, it is definitely worth reading as the 1.5* course in quantitative finance. Continue reading "Reading A First Course in Quantitative Finance by Thomas Mazzoni"
Category: English
JuniorDepot16 – Markets Fall but Not Elle’s Wealth
The markets continue falling as the trade war between China and US escalates. But it did not affect Elle's portfolio. Moreover, she has even made some money with an inverse ETF!
Continue reading "JuniorDepot16 – Markets Fall but Not Elle’s Wealth"
MATtel Stock – Barbie Reaches Puberty and Draws a DoubleF*uck Chart Pattern
Mattel, a company that owns Barbie brand, currently experiences bad times and suffers losses. However, this may be irrelevant for tactical traders, esp. those who rely exclusively on technical analysis. But now they shall be strongly disappointed too: MAT stock has drawn a pattern, which can be named doubleF*ck.
Continue reading "MATtel Stock – Barbie Reaches Puberty and Draws a DoubleF*uck Chart Pattern"
Reproducing a Pseudo-Random Walk down the Wall Street
Malkiel affirms that the stock returns follow the random walk. Lo and MacKinlay retort they do not.
In this post I show how a mean-reverting process can be efficiently disguised as a random walk. Most likely, the market does follow a similar disguise-pattern (at least sometimes). Continue reading "Reproducing a Pseudo-Random Walk down the Wall Street"
JuniorDepot15 – Reaching 13.75% CAGR with stockpicking
Elle got started with her savings plan in Jan 2018 with a monthly installment of €100. Now she has sufficient trading capital, so that (taking broker fees into account) the stock picking may make sense. She tried to make her hands dirty with stock selection and earned €139,53 gain or 8.6% return in less than a month! The CAGR of her savings plan is currently 13.75% Continue reading "JuniorDepot15 – Reaching 13.75% CAGR with stockpicking"
JuniorDepot14 – Getting Profitable Again and Training Patience
Elle's portfolio has recovered with the recent rise of the markets. We fortunately closed all positions near their recent maxima, Elle again makes profit.
Currently, we watch the market carefully but don't hurry up to open the new positions. If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by (Sun Tzu). Continue reading "JuniorDepot14 – Getting Profitable Again and Training Patience"
Building QuantLib 1.14 with Visual Studio 2019 preview
QuantLib development often lags the version of Visual Studio. Thus you need to do some manual tuning to build QL v1.14 in VS 2019. Generally, if you can, you shall so far stay by VS2017. Continue reading "Building QuantLib 1.14 with Visual Studio 2019 preview"
JuniorDepot13 – Things are getting better as the markets recover
As we have previously reported, the year 2018 was not very good for Elle's portfolio, indeed it was bad. But we looked optimistically in future and were right: the portfolio recovers with the market and the opportunities for the active trading arise. Continue reading "JuniorDepot13 – Things are getting better as the markets recover"
Salaries in German IT Branch – a Case Study of Critical Statistics Review
Recently I have read the results of salary survey among Russian-speaking software developers in Germany, published on dou.ua. I was skeptical about the validity of conclusions and expressed my critics (a bit less polite than I should have done it). But the survey author reasonably pointed out that he did his best in his free time and did provide the raw survey data. Recalling a popular motto in Soviet Union: if you are disagree then criticize but if you criticize then do it better I try to interpret the survey results more correctly. Continue reading "Salaries in German IT Branch – a Case Study of Critical Statistics Review"
JuniorDepot12 – DAX, Silver, Oil: pessimistic end of year and optimistic sentiment for future
By Elle's portfolio we implicitly target the CAGR of 6%. Alas, this year the CAGR turned out to be -24.7%! Especially our recent portfolio restructuring (sell Silver and buy DAX and WTI Oil) was not good.
Still we are better than a passive savings plan in DAX (this would have a CAGR of -30.7%) and look optimistically in future. Especially pleasant was Elle's reaction on the (temporary) drawdown: calm and stoic. This a necessarily trait for a growing Warren Buffet. Continue reading "JuniorDepot12 – DAX, Silver, Oil: pessimistic end of year and optimistic sentiment for future"