Wikifolio IREX (DE000LS9JBB2) schießt hoch mit Jahresperformance von 1327% und schlägt sogar den legendären Einstein. Trotzdem raten wir IREX als Investition stark ab. Allein der Maximale Verlust (bisher) von -69.50% ist alarmierend, 25% Performancegebühr ist auch alles anders als Investorfreundlich. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, wie unvorsichtig IRTrader die Risiken ab und zu eingeht.
Anderseits, eignet sich IREX sehr gut fürs Zocken. In positiver Sinne dieses Wortes, d.h. wenn Sie Ihr Spielgeld darauf setzen, sehen Ihre Chancen gut aus. Continue reading "Wikifolio IREX – Wellenritt auf Tsunami – Know your risk!"
Gas Storage Fair Price | online Calculator
Remarkably, many market players in energy market still cannot calculate the fair value of a gas storage. In particular, many of them rely on perfect foresight. We put online a simple but correct model from QuantLib. Confidence intervals are estimated as well.
NB! This time not for retail investors but for the colleagues from energy industry. Have a look at short introductory video.
Gas Storage is a relatively complex option to evaluate, esp. if there are non-trivial constraints. Remarkably, many energy companies cannot correctly evaluate even the simplest storage contracts. Moreover, they often resort to a so-called perfect foresight: the price paths are considered random but once the price path is known, it is assumed to be known completely (like at the left-hand sketch).
Prefect foresight (unrealistic) | One-step foresight (realistic) |
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YaWhore Dance with Yahoo Finance
On 17.04.2017 Yahoo.Finance changed its API, so is (temporarily?!) unavailable. In particular it means that many R-scripts that rely on quantmod/getSymbols() will not function anymore. We discuss the ways to circumvent the API change of Yahoo.Finance and alternatives to it, esp. Alpha Vantage.
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Fallen der Optionsscheine: Verlustrisiken verstehen und mit Optionsscheinrechner einschätzen
Eine Umfrage in der Facebook Gruppe "Trading and Education" hat gezeigt, dass man gegen Optionsscheine eine starke Abneigung hat. Hauptgrund war: "die Kurserstellung sei völlig untransparent". Obwohl man von den Optionsscheinen eher Finger weg halten sollte, ab und zu kann sich der Handel damit lohnen. Wir erklären die Risiken der Optionsscheine (Zeitwertverlust, hoher Geld-Brief Spread, Kursmanupulation) und bieten einen Simulator zur Einschätzung der möglichen Gewinne und Verluste an.
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Integrating QuantLib with R and Web – Barrier Options Pricer
Some of QuantLib functionality is ported to R in RQuantLib. In particular the pricing of Barrier options. Unfortunately, only European. But we need American in order to price and simulate future scenarios for the so-called KO-Zertifikate (Knock-Out Warrants), which are quite popular among German retail traders. We show how to quickly adopt the code from QuantLib testsuite, compile it under Linux and integrate with R and web.
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DKF 2017 – Kongress für Finanzinformationen – Kurzbericht
DFK 2017 - Kongress für Finanzinformationen - was sehr gut organisiert und die Vorträge waren sehr interessant. Zwar ist DFK 2017 eine B2B Veranstaltung, sind die angesprochenen Themen auch für Privatinvestoren ziemlich relevant. Wir danken Dr. Alexis Eisenhofer und das Team von für diese Tagung.
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PUT on nVIDIA turned out to be far from perfect trade, but…
On 25.12.2016 I bought a put on nVIDIA since I found the stock extremely overpriced. I called it "nearly perfect trading decision", inter alia, because the implied volatility was though plausible but still high. Yesterday after the publication of Q1 financial report the stock jumped 18%. My put option is about 50% down since purchase time. But due to a strict money management I have capital for the 2nd and even fors 3rd attempt and I still consider nVIDIA as heavily overpriced.
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Einstein von Wikifolio hat ca. €2.500.000 Trading-Kapital
Einstein, der Trader Nr. 1 bei Wikifolio, wessen Performance wir früher ausführlich gereviewt haben, teilt sehr sparsam die Information über sich selbst. Jedoch unter dem Emotionsdruck verplappert sich sogar der Einstein. Dadurch haben wir festgestellt, dass er ca. €2,5 Mio Handelskapital hat und sein Wikifolio wahrscheinlich ziemlich nah zu seinem privaten Depot liegt. Continue reading "Einstein von Wikifolio hat ca. €2.500.000 Trading-Kapital"
Online Option Calculator – estimate the future value of an option
Many retail investors are unaware that the option price sometimes depends on the (implied) volatility much stronger than on the price of underlying. They also often underestimate the losses of time value. Our option calculator lets you estimate the future fair price of an option by different pairs of implied volatility and underlying price.
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Portfolio Simulator – estimate the expected risk and return of your investments
Our simulator allows you to simulate 100 future scenarios of your portfolios, estimate the expected risk, return and correlations, helping you to improve the diversification of your portfolios. The simulator projects the historical returns in future and is completely model-free (in particular, we don't make an unrealistic assumption of Normally-distributed returns). Though the past doesn't capture all possible future scenarios, it provides a good idea of possible outcomes.
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